Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Talan checking out what goodies he had in his bag.
A couple of my co-workers kept asking him for some candy and he wouldn't share. Finally he pulled out a sucker and said, "You have this, I not like." He was really funny. It was like, I don't like this one so you can have it. I think we can honestly say that he knows how to work the system. Hehe! He is 2!!!
Talan handing out candy. He would say, "only two." He would then count two pieces of candy out in front of the kids and then put it in their bag.
Talan handing out candy again.
Justin kept trying to get Talan to look but he was too busy passing out candy.

MU/Nebraska Game

Well the first weekend of October Justin and I went to Columbia with some of his college friends to the Missouri / Nebraska football game. Yes, I a Missouri fan went to the game with 7 other people that are very strong Nebraska fans. Anyway, we had a great time...other than the rain.
We were hoping the rain would taper off but it didn't. We still had a great time together. I thought Missouri was going to come out on top but we just couldn't keep it together. Nebraska came back in the fourth quarter and won. Justin and his friends couldn't let me live it down either.
It doesn't really matter who won, all that truly matters is that we had a great time...and we did!Tailgating...don't you wish you were there in the rain with us!
Nebraska's first touchdown.
The end of the game. Justin thought he needed that finger up.
You can't really see in this photo but these are our clothes...obviously. They were soaked! I truly dumped water out of my shoes when we got back to the hotel.
Here we are at IHOP. We decided we were hungry at 1:00 in the morning. Justin and his friends kept trying to get our waitress to give them a tiger tail that was hanging in the restaurant.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Johnson Pumpkin Farms

On Friday, we took Talan to Johnson Pumpkin Farms to pick out his pumpkin for the year. We did that last year and decided that we were going to make it a yearly tradition. I am so glad that we have decided to do that because we are making so many wonderful memories together.
Friday was the first chilly day of Fall and it was really windy but we made it through. Talan had a great time and so did we. We also got three huge pumpkins, a couple small ones that Talan picked, and a gourd. We had a great time together!Daddy and Talan on the hayride out to the pumpkin patch.
Talan helping Daddy push the wheelharrol with our first pumpkin.
On the hunt!
Still looking for that perfect pumpkin.
Justin picked two pumpkins and let Talan pick which one he wanted for him. He said, "I want that one." He was very serious about the decision. He studied both pumpkins for about 30 seconds before he chose.
Taking our pumpkins back.
After we picked our pumpkins Talan got to go and play on the haybales, slides, swings, tunnels, and pet the animals. It was big treat because the goats and pigs had just had babies so Talan was really excited to see the babies!
Talan looking at the baby chicks.
On of the goats came right up to Talan. He just giggled everytime he touched them.
Daddy being silly.
Talan on the slide.
Sorry its sideways. We did get Talan smiling though!
Talan and Daddy heading up the ramp to the haybales and secret tunnels.
We had a wonderful time this year. I am so excited to build more memories every year we go!

Random Fun!

This past week Talan and I got the camera and just took some random pictures at the house. We were just hanging out as a family enjoying one another. Here are a few pictures from it.Talan playing with his Halloween light stick. It is one of those that when it spins it makes a bunch of different colors. He thought it felt funny when he held it up against his forehead. He was laying on the coffee table doing. It was pretty funny but probably not the smartest. Hehe!
Talan and I
Talan was sitting at the top of the stairs like this and said, "Take a picture of me." That is how this all started.