Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A lot of Catch Up

So, I realize that it has been like 2 months since I have posted anything. It has been really crazy around here so I will try to catch you up. We have a lot more pictures but I will just post a few of each thing.

A couple weeks ago, my Aunt kept two kids for a family friend for the weekend and we went to Chuck E. Cheese with them. Ellie is about a 1 1/2 years older than Talan and they had a lot of fun playing together.
Riding the horse together.
Going down the hill when they were riding the roller coaster ride.
Going up the hill. I love the look on their faces. They aren't sure what was going to happen next. They ended up riding this ride about 3 times in a row.
Driving the car. They each took a turn driving.
This was Easter Sunday. We went to Lexington, Nebraska and spent the weekend at the lake cabin with Justin's side of the family.

Talan and Aunt Heather. We went to see her new place.
For Talan's birthday we took him to Jumpin Jax's over Spring Break. We let him take one friend and he chose his girlfriend, Aubrie. They played for about 2 hours, went to McDonald's for lunch, and were both asleep about 10 minutes after we left McDonald's. We wore them out.
Justin gave both of them rides on his back on the zipline. They eventually did it by themselves.
Aubrie and Talan
Playing in the moonbounce.
Going down the slide.
Justin and I also took Talan to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch on his actual birthday since it fell on Spring Break.

Justin is excited for Chuck E. Cheese too!
I just love this picture of him!
Reading a book.
This is what Talan does when we watch American Idol. Can we say "Future American Idol?"