Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bible School

This past week, Justin and I directed Bible School at church.  We used the theme "Celebrate Jesus."  We connected everything to miracles of Jesus and hawaiian decorations.  We finished the event off with a Luau on Friday evening.  We had a pinata, fire trucks, police cars, giant volleyball, limbo, and lots of other fun activities.  Here are a few pictures from the luau.

Talan and Mason playing with the giant volleyball.  They had fun trying to toss it back and forth to each other.  They couldn't hardly get their arms around it.
Daddy helping Talan collect some candy from the pinata.
Daddy and Talan sitting in the fire truck.  We couldn't hardly get Talan out of the fire truck.  He thought he was pretty hot stuff sitting in the fire truck.  He tried on their helmet and gloves.  
You can see the joy on Talan's face here while he was sitting in the fire truck.
Talan is putting on his seat belt in this picture.  He said he was going for a ride on the truck. The truck never moved but he was so excited that he thought he was going somewhere with the firemen.

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