Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Party

Talan was out of school of Halloween and so were we so we went down and spent the day at my mom's daycare/preschool and attended their party.  Talan had so much fun!  He got almost a whole bag of candy and played with some friends he hadn't seen in about a month.  Each child got a turn to trick-or-treat from each other and then they went over and trick-or-treated from Grandma Great.
Talan was not very patient with his candy as you can see.  He was ready to get some "cannee."
Talan passing out his treats to the kids.  They all said "Trick or treat" and after Talan would put his treats in their bag they would say "Thank you."  They were so polite.  Way to go mom on teaching the kids manners.
Our kangaroo passing out his candy.

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